Meet Dr. Sandra Lee
The home clinic of Dr. Pimple Popper offers a wide variety of medical, cosmetic skincare and Mohs surgery.

Same day or next day appointments available!
Subject to change, call our office for latest availability.

Want to look your best?
Healthy skin for all ages, we offer a wide variety of cosmetic dermatology services.
Meet our Team
Your compassionate skincare experts.
A wide range of skincare treatments, for your every need.

Dr. Marie Stoddard Lyndsey
Open Monday - Thursday, 8:30am - 5pm
Visit Us in Chino
Dr. Marie Stoddard Lyndsey invites you to visit our brand new clinic conveniently located in Chino. Offering the same expert medical and cosmetic skincare, you’ve come to expect in a convenient new location.
Same day or next day appointments available, call our office for latest availability at 909-789-0937.
Dr.Pimple Popper

Did you know Dr. Sandra Lee a board-certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon is the one and only Dr.Pimple Popper? Learn more!